Advertise with Us
Put Your Business In The Spotlight
State Theatre New Jersey is your home for arts and entertainment. The 1,800-seat venue hosts over 200 events and draws more than 200,000 customers annually. Located in the heart of Central NJ, the State Theatre means business as a major economic driver generating $38 million for the City of New Brunswick, the County of Middlesex, and its surrounding areas annually.
Our Mainstage Audiences Are...
- 62% attended college
- 77% earn over $70K
- 44% earn over $100K
- 35% earn over $250K
- Most patrons ages 40-75
- 58% male and 42% female
- Diverse backgrounds
- 63% married
- 13% inferred married
- 30% Middlesex
- 20% Somerset County
- 17% Monmouth County
- 16% Mercer County
- 7% Union County
- 6% Remaining NJ counties
- 2% Staten Island
- 2% Other

Online & Email Exposure Opportunities
- Digital Program Advertising –Your message is delivered directly to State Theatre New Jersey patrons who view their digital program book. Your business can now have a digital interactive ad in State Theatre New Jersey’s digital program book. Your ad in our digital program is available for viewing before, during, and after the show with a link emailed to show purchasers one week prior to the show date and available at the show. The digital program is also available on State Theatre’s website event page leading up to the performance. Advertise in issues for a specific show or in multiple shows.
- To view the State Theatre’s digital program book, text “Program” to 732-655-3996.
- To advertise in our program book email
- Pre-Show Reminder Emails Ads – Place your ad in STNJ’s pre-show emails that send information to all of the ticket buyers for an upcoming performance, helping guests plan their visit to the State Theatre.
- Post-Show Email Ads – Place your ad into State Theatre New Jersey’s “Thank you for attending” email sent to ticket holders giving them an opportunity to give us feedback on their experience.
- E-News Banner Ads – Place your ad into State Theatre New Jersey’s weekly added-show and special announcement email sent to 90,000+ subscribers.

Print Exposure Opportunities
- Customized Ticket Envelopes – Your ad or logo placed on State Theatre New Jersey’s ticket envelope is used to mail patron tickets or at the ticket will-call window for patron ticket pick-up.
- Ticket Envelope Stuffers – Your ad is included in State Theatre New Jersey’s ticket envelope mailed to patrons with their tickets.

Have a special message you’d like to share on our marquee? Add a message to our marquee that will run in rotation with our other messages.
Contact Us Today
Find out how you can affordably align your organization with the excitement of live entertainment and put your company front and center in the minds of our fervent and continuously growing customer base